PhotoWalk Cazin was amazing

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If I could describe how the PhotoWalk Cazin went in one word, I would say AMAZING! The weather was perfect, participants were happy and excited and so was I.


The route

We gathered at the Cultural Center in Cazin where we all met, then we headed to see the well-known house of Nurija Pozderac which is also a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We stayed there for about 25 minutes and then we headed to the square of Alija Izetbegović where we tried some new photography techniques and then went to see another similar house to Nurija’s which is the house of Ibro Alagić. After that, we visited a city park where we photographed mostly each other. We then climbed from the park to the Old City Mosque which is built around the year 1500. For the end, we descended from the mosque through the old street which again led us to the square of Alija Izetbegović.


I am so glad that I was the first one to organize something like this in my city, but also first in our country, Bosnia and Herzegovina. My next planned PhotoWalk will be in Bihać which is a city just 24 km from Cazin, and also the capital city of the Una-Sana Canton.


Here are some of the pictures from the event:

House of Nurija PozderacPhotoWalk Cazin was amazing for all of usWhite RoseSnail HouseModel in woodsHouse of Ibro AlagićWindowsCar panningFlowersDark RedOld City Mosque

FIRST PhotoWalk in Cazin 2019